I originally met this mom when I photographed her sweet little boys at their preschool. She volunteered to help on photo day even though she was scheduled to have a baby in a few days. The first two pics are the “school pictures” that I took of her little guys. She called me a few weeks later after the arrival of her new bundle of joy wanting a photo that would be similar to the boys’ photos from school so she could display them together. We met up for a quick mini session near their home hoping to get a family pic and a few of the baby. We ended up putting baby in the metal bin so the pictures would be somewhat unified, being just two weeks old she slept the whole time and looked like a little angel.
Mom had a Cesarean section just two weeks before yet she gathered the troops, had them dressed, looking great and ready to go. I couldn’t even get out the door on time when I had one baby let alone a baby and two other children! And she looked great on top of it! Dad made sure she didn’t lift the baby carrier or do anything that might hinder her recovery. It was sweet the way he held the baby and looked after his wife, you could really see the love he had for his family. You could actually see the love they had for each other, the picture of mom and dad wasn’t staged, I happened to capture a sweet moment between the two. Their smiles say it all.