I really loved this session. The minute I walked in the door this little guy was showing me his Christmas tree and asking me to take pictures of his Perry the Platypus ornament (since I’m a Phineas and Ferb fan I was happy to oblige). I got the tour of his room and got to see all of his toys. I thought, wow, this is going to be a piece of cake, he’s very comfortable with me. Famous last words, right? After two pictures he declared, “I’m done. Let’s go play.” Thankfully he was easily distracted and as long as he could play while I took little sister’s photos, he was happy. Little Miss is so darn cute, I loved her peach bow and fur vest! When mom told me dad helped pick it out I knew she had a husband to hold on to, how many guys like to shop for hair bows and fur vests?! I can’t even get my hubby to go to the grocery store with me! Loved working with you guys, thanks!