Fall Day on Campus

Children, Couples, Family
This was another gorgeous fall day on campus. It wasn't all that warm but when the colors are this beautiful how can you complain? We had a great time strolling through campus, taking in the beauty of fall and even playing in the leaves. This is a wonderful family! I love the photo of mom and dad, see how happy they look? It's 100% genuine, makes me smile (a huge, ridiculously happy smile) when I look at their photo because they're so darn cute. I'm always happy to spend a few hours with this group!
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Costumes and Giggles

Children, Family
This family came to me via a gift certificate I donated to an auction benefiting my children's school. It was really great to meet a family from our school and make some new connections. We met up a few days before Halloween so Mom started the kids off in their costumes. The girls looked absolutely beautiful but my favorite costume photo was the one featuring the ferocious roar from Sulley! The whole family changed into plaid shirts hoping to get a family photo for Christmas cards, I love the casual look! It was fun to work with the twins, their interactions were so sweet, that impromptu smooch on the cheek  made me smile ear to ear! Thanks for putting up with the chilly temps to get our session done,  I…
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Happy 3rd Birthday!

Children, Family
We scheduled this session to capture some photos of Little Miss as she turned 3. I never know what to expect when I meet a 3 year old for the first time, I simply know that I'm going work my butt off trying to get some good photos! This little girl was a dream and not your typical 3 year old (if there is such a thing) she was so sweet! Mom is a professor at Notre Dame so we met on campus for the photos. It was a beautiful evening with a little wind, made for a few great "super model" shots with blowing hair! Dad's grandfather was visiting from Florida so we were able to include him in some of the shots. Mom had emailed me that morning…
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Notre Dame Evening

Children, Family
Loved this family! Gorgeous kids, adorable mom and dad, and they were tons of fun! Beautiful evening on the edge of campus. Little Miss kept me totally entertained, I'm still smiling as I look at her photo :) I LOVE the last family photo, casual and comfortable, just how you should be on a beautiful summer evening. Thanks for a fun night!
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We’re on the News!

Children, Family
I was so excited to be asked by Fox 28 News to part of a segment on taking better photos with Smartphones. These GORGEOUS girls were wonderful models for the segment. The youngest kept me laughing with her funny expressions and sassiness, which in turn kept my mind off of the camera in my face and microphone pinned to my shirt. Did I mention that I was nervous? When we finished the interview, Traci Capellman said, "I thought you were nervous?  You answered all the questions really well."  What she meant was that I talked a TON, which I do when I'm nervous. I talk all the time as it is, add in some nerves and watch out, you aren't going to get in a word. Thankfully Traci and Ian…
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Perfect Laughter

Children, Family
This session went about as perfectly as possible. The kids did everything I asked, helped pick spots for the photos, and allowed Mom and Dad to relax while we did our thing. They were so cute, telling me stories and sharing fun facts as we took the photos. Big brother told me everything I could ever need to know about trains, that kid knows locomotives! And little sister kept me entertained with her endless supply of different facial expressions. She was nothing but pure sweetness for me.  Dad was so FUNNY, I mean goofy funny that makes kids AND adults laugh hard. This got mom laughing. You know how some people have a huge, beautiful laugh that makes you smile, and even makes you laugh? A laugh that is just…
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Dinosaur Roar

Children, Family
This might have been the most fun session I've ever done!  This little guy was slow to warm up to the idea of me taking his picture but his mom suggested he do his dinosaur roar for me. In response, I did my best dinosaur roar for him. I guess I overdid it because he looked a little scared. I toned it down and did my best dinosaur walk complete with my tail (arm) trailing behind me knocking over whatever got in my way. He LOVED it. As soon my dinosaur "tail" almost knocked over daddy, little man was laughing so hard he was almost crying. His huge laugh made me laugh over and over. And the beauty of it was that he never got tired of the dinosaur. It…
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Four Cuties

Children, Family
This gorgeous crew of 4 cuties met me out at ND for an afternoon photo shoot. It was hot, school had just gotten out and most of the kids weren't all that excited about photos. Thankfully they all indulged me and gave up a few killer smiles that made for some great pics. Mom and dad have their hands full, 4 young children with activities and the normal stuff that makes a parent of 2 go crazy! They were both so relaxed and calm, I think I learned a thing or two by just watching how they interacted with their children. Each of these 4 kids has a different personality and it only took a few minutes for their individuality to come through. I loved these kids! I had a…
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Party of 5

Babies, Children
This gorgeous baby made his entrance a few weeks early to complete his family of 5. As always happens when I photograph babies, he decided he wasn't interested in photos.  We had a rough hour of fussiness and crying but after a second feeding and a warm cocoon, he was out and didn't care how many pictures I snapped. Also as usual, I didn't want to put the baby down. I can never seem to get enough of the newborns, I'm fascinated with how their tiny bodies still prefer to be tightly compacted as they were in the womb. Newborns are simply amazing. I loved this little guy! Although his mom was super tired (she now has 3 children after all) she smiled the whole time she held him, and…
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Play | Photo Challenge

Children, Photo Challenge
  We should have been doing homework but sometimes the weather is just too nice to worry about fractions and adjectives. We dug out the swim suits and the sprinkler, found the hose that had been put away months ago, and jumped and splashed until the yard had inches of standing water. Then we turned off the water and jumped in the yard puddles. What a fun afternoon, I will cherish this memory for many years. This is my entry for the I Heart Faces Photo Challenge, this month's theme is "Play."  Click the link below to see the other great entries.    
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